Joe, fresh from annual leave

 Joe proudly shows off the catch from his fishing trip away with mates up north of W.A.           You may like these pages: air jordan 6 toroair jordan 4 thunder 2023

Traffic Jam

The challenges of rural and remote Australia, road train driver Shelley caught up in a traffic jam 20 klm west of Caiguna.  

Outback Beauty

While driving her road train Westbound, Shelley captured this awesome shot of Sunset on the 90 Mile.  Special ‘Whitelining” moments”


Nuggy Lee fresh in from a WA/SA Border Changeover, slept in this morning managing his fatigue !!  

Celeb spotting at Kenworth

  Rubbing shoulders with 2015 Brownlow Medalist Nat Fyfe in Alice seen here at Kenworth pre dinner drinks.

Bye Riggsy ……….

Sadly Johnny Riggs (Riggsy), Truck 111,  lost his battle fighting off ill health.  Family and Friends gathered for a memorial service on Saturday 17th September.  We handed over to his wife Marlene an awesome canvas print of Riggsy with his … Continued